The Calorie shifting diet plan uses a relatively new concept designed to trick your body into not recognizing the fact that it is losing weight. It is based on the premise that by maintaining the body's metabolism at a steady rate the starvation mode immune system response won't kick in and thus hopefully keeping the dieter from becoming frustrated and falling off the diet.
It's a concept that is actually quite simple and works by helping the participant avoid the dreaded plateau which is such a commonly occurring event in many other diet plans. This plan is more a pattern of eating rather than a diet. By offering an increased chance for success it has people reaching out to see if this plan will be the one that works for them.
Almost everyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows all too well hitting the dreaded diet plateau or the wall as it is also referred as. This is that strange phenomenon that occurs when a person enters into a long range diet plan and their body reacts to the successful weight loss by going into a defensive reaction. In a protective stance against what it perceives as starvation it brings weight loss to an immediate halt. Continuing to try to lose weight seems futile as the scale stubbornly refuses to budge.
This plateau usually occurs at around the third to fourth week after you begin dieting and seems to be a constant recurring factor from that point onwards. These frustrating periods are a natural defence mechanism by the body to avoid starvation and it is a phenomenon that can make many a dieter fall off their weight loss program and into a continuous pattern of yo yo dieting.
It's a concept that is actually quite simple and works by helping the participant avoid the dreaded plateau which is such a commonly occurring event in many other diet plans. This plan is more a pattern of eating rather than a diet. By offering an increased chance for success it has people reaching out to see if this plan will be the one that works for them.
Almost everyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows all too well hitting the dreaded diet plateau or the wall as it is also referred as. This is that strange phenomenon that occurs when a person enters into a long range diet plan and their body reacts to the successful weight loss by going into a defensive reaction. In a protective stance against what it perceives as starvation it brings weight loss to an immediate halt. Continuing to try to lose weight seems futile as the scale stubbornly refuses to budge.
This plateau usually occurs at around the third to fourth week after you begin dieting and seems to be a constant recurring factor from that point onwards. These frustrating periods are a natural defence mechanism by the body to avoid starvation and it is a phenomenon that can make many a dieter fall off their weight loss program and into a continuous pattern of yo yo dieting.
Why does this happen? As you begin to lose weight your immune system figures out what you are up to. In a desperate attempt to prevent starvation from occurring it goes into a protective stance and devises a system for the body to make better use of the food that you consume. This process includes slowing down your metabolism in an attempt to prevent further weight loss. Besides reducing the overall amount of weight that a dieter loses these plateaus are also the time when quite a few individuals begin to believe that they are simply incapable of losing weight. They get frustrated and simply give up trying to fight the body's attempt to maintain its current weight.
The Calorie Shifting plan attempts to keep this plateau from occurring. By shifting the number of calories that a person eats each day the diet effectively attempts to trick your metabolism into not recognizing that a steady weight loss is in progress. It attempts to keep the body from going into its protectionist stance.
Cycling calorie diets are based on the theory that with this system your metabolism will not slow down to prevent further weight loss from occurring and you will continue to lose weight at a higher level than you would on a different dietary plan. The beauty of shifting calories is that you can easily set your own program. In order to participate you have only to remember to not fall into a recognizable pattern of reducing your calorie intake. What could be easier.
Before you begin there are a few basic rules to keep in mind but otherwise this weight loss program is so versatile that whenever you need a break you can take one. It is for this very reason that weight loss should be easier to attain on the calorie shifting program than on other diet plans.
Keep in mind that an average calorie intake for women is 1,940 to 2,200 calories per day while the average calorie intake for men is 2,700 to 3,000 calories per day. Calorie intake varies with each individual depending on a number of factors and taking into account your weight, height, activity level, fitness level and even genetic factors. When dieting a persons calorie intake is generally reduced between 250 to 1000 calories per day depending on the individual and the type of diet that they are participating in. A safe weight loss is generally considered to run between 1 to 2 pounds per week.
An exercise program should run in addition with any diet that you participate in. Exercise will not only increase the amount of weight that you lose but it will also help to tighten and firm the body as you lose the excess fat. You can exercise in short bursts throughout the day or take a half hour period each day for your exercise period. Yoga, walking, swimming, or dance exercise programs are a great way to lose weight in a fun manner. Choose what you enjoy and it won't feel like such a chore. Choose what days you will do which form of exercise and alternate these in to fit your lifestyle. Alternate the food groups that you eat throughout the day. Eat mainly protein for one meal and then largely carbs the next. Then turn this around on your next diet day. Work at constantly confusing your body as to exactly what you are up to.
There are a number of variations on how you can incorporate this diet into your daily routine. Courtesy of its versatility calorie shifting should be relatively easy for almost anyone to accommodate into their current lifestyle.
1. Fat Loss 4 Idiots uses a system of calorie shifting worked over a 14 day period. For 11 days you eat a reduced diet program then for the next 3 days you return to your normal pattern of eating. The diet rotates the different types of foods that you consume throughout the day to additionally trick your metabolism.
The three cheat days built into the program is not only to prevent the body from going into a protectionist stance but is also designed to help prevent the participant from becoming frustrated with a strict diet plan. You continue this 14 day diet plan for as long as is necessary to reduce your excess weight.
2. The Johnson Upday Downday Diet is a calorie shifting diet plan that runs on a 2 day schedule. Consisting of an up day on which you consume your regular food intake and a down day on which you consume 20 to 35 percent less calories than you would normally consume. You continue this two day diet pattern until your desired weight loss is attained.
3. The Q.O.D. Diet or every other day diet by John Daugirdas is a 2 day diet plan. You alternate a fasting day (or a semi fasting day consisting of about 300 to 400 calories) with a day of regular food consumption. You continue with this 2 day routine till you effectively lose the amount of weight required. I find this diet pattern a little startling and would not recommend it as a healthy program for a long term period. For a week or two the Q.O.D. plan would likely be a good jump start into weight loss but I would suggest that you then move into a slower weight loss program for the remainder of your plan.
Tips To Help You Stick to That Diet:
1. A balanced program of food reduction and increased exercise is the proven way to move into a healthier lifestyle. Always try to select a healthy and reasonable weight loss plan for yourself. Your success depends on it.
2. When dieting insure that you consume a sufficient supply of good quality protein to keep your energy levels high. Dieting is difficult and takes willpower so if you are planning on trying calorie cycling select with care which days you wish to reduce calories on and by what degree you will reduce them.
3. Try not to binge on the non-dieting days as this can be one of the largest downfalls of this type of plan.
4. Consume foods that are nutrient rich for the amount of calories consumed. For example reduce your intake of pastries and sweets and replace these high calorie foods with an increase in high protein food or with fruits and vegetables.
5. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day and eliminate sweetened beverages and pop. Limit your use of caffeinated beverages.
6. Do not skip breakfast whenever possible. Use a smaller plate for your meals as this will help to trick your brain into believing that you are actually consuming more than you really are. Having a boiled egg for breakfast or as a mid day snack helps to provide you with filling energy rich protein.
7. Rather than eating 3 large meals per day switch to a program of 4 to 5 small meals per day. This will help to keep your body's metabolism at a higher rate. If you can't resist having a snack choose a bowl of dry cereal or 6 to 8 nuts. Studies show that consuming a small amount of walnuts daily can actually help you to lose weight.
Exercise is an important factor in weight control. A simple walking exercise program can be easily adapted to fit the fitness level of most people. In the summer get outdoors, catch some sunshine, and exercise at the same time. The sun provides us with vitamin D so a daily walk is a nice way to get this vitamin. For the winter months a treadmill is ideal for insuring that you get a walk in even when the weather is not working in your favour. I love mine and it has kept me active even during the cold winter months. Don't have a treadmill? Jog from room to room within your house. Every step adds up.
Losing weight can be a difficult process. It may have taken years to put on those pounds so they probably won't come off overnight. Don't be be too harsh on yourself if you have a set back or two. Just jump right back into the program and keep moving forward. Losing weight can be quite an adventure. Take pride in each small step forward. Every pound you lose is one pound closer to a healthier you.
Did you know that sipping green tea may help to reduce belly fat? Studies show that drinking 5 cups of strong green tea daily may indeed help reduce belly fat. Green tea is also an antioxidant which is a delightful side effect of this soothing hot beverage. Enjoy a cup today.
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The Calorie Shifting plan attempts to keep this plateau from occurring. By shifting the number of calories that a person eats each day the diet effectively attempts to trick your metabolism into not recognizing that a steady weight loss is in progress. It attempts to keep the body from going into its protectionist stance.
Cycling calorie diets are based on the theory that with this system your metabolism will not slow down to prevent further weight loss from occurring and you will continue to lose weight at a higher level than you would on a different dietary plan. The beauty of shifting calories is that you can easily set your own program. In order to participate you have only to remember to not fall into a recognizable pattern of reducing your calorie intake. What could be easier.
We are Each Unique so Every Body will React Differently
Before you begin there are a few basic rules to keep in mind but otherwise this weight loss program is so versatile that whenever you need a break you can take one. It is for this very reason that weight loss should be easier to attain on the calorie shifting program than on other diet plans.
Keep in mind that an average calorie intake for women is 1,940 to 2,200 calories per day while the average calorie intake for men is 2,700 to 3,000 calories per day. Calorie intake varies with each individual depending on a number of factors and taking into account your weight, height, activity level, fitness level and even genetic factors. When dieting a persons calorie intake is generally reduced between 250 to 1000 calories per day depending on the individual and the type of diet that they are participating in. A safe weight loss is generally considered to run between 1 to 2 pounds per week.
An exercise program should run in addition with any diet that you participate in. Exercise will not only increase the amount of weight that you lose but it will also help to tighten and firm the body as you lose the excess fat. You can exercise in short bursts throughout the day or take a half hour period each day for your exercise period. Yoga, walking, swimming, or dance exercise programs are a great way to lose weight in a fun manner. Choose what you enjoy and it won't feel like such a chore. Choose what days you will do which form of exercise and alternate these in to fit your lifestyle. Alternate the food groups that you eat throughout the day. Eat mainly protein for one meal and then largely carbs the next. Then turn this around on your next diet day. Work at constantly confusing your body as to exactly what you are up to.
You Can Follow One of These Plans or Create Your Own
There are a number of variations on how you can incorporate this diet into your daily routine. Courtesy of its versatility calorie shifting should be relatively easy for almost anyone to accommodate into their current lifestyle.
1. Fat Loss 4 Idiots uses a system of calorie shifting worked over a 14 day period. For 11 days you eat a reduced diet program then for the next 3 days you return to your normal pattern of eating. The diet rotates the different types of foods that you consume throughout the day to additionally trick your metabolism.
The three cheat days built into the program is not only to prevent the body from going into a protectionist stance but is also designed to help prevent the participant from becoming frustrated with a strict diet plan. You continue this 14 day diet plan for as long as is necessary to reduce your excess weight.
2. The Johnson Upday Downday Diet is a calorie shifting diet plan that runs on a 2 day schedule. Consisting of an up day on which you consume your regular food intake and a down day on which you consume 20 to 35 percent less calories than you would normally consume. You continue this two day diet pattern until your desired weight loss is attained.
3. The Q.O.D. Diet or every other day diet by John Daugirdas is a 2 day diet plan. You alternate a fasting day (or a semi fasting day consisting of about 300 to 400 calories) with a day of regular food consumption. You continue with this 2 day routine till you effectively lose the amount of weight required. I find this diet pattern a little startling and would not recommend it as a healthy program for a long term period. For a week or two the Q.O.D. plan would likely be a good jump start into weight loss but I would suggest that you then move into a slower weight loss program for the remainder of your plan.
Tips To Help You Stick to That Diet:
1. A balanced program of food reduction and increased exercise is the proven way to move into a healthier lifestyle. Always try to select a healthy and reasonable weight loss plan for yourself. Your success depends on it.
2. When dieting insure that you consume a sufficient supply of good quality protein to keep your energy levels high. Dieting is difficult and takes willpower so if you are planning on trying calorie cycling select with care which days you wish to reduce calories on and by what degree you will reduce them.
3. Try not to binge on the non-dieting days as this can be one of the largest downfalls of this type of plan.
4. Consume foods that are nutrient rich for the amount of calories consumed. For example reduce your intake of pastries and sweets and replace these high calorie foods with an increase in high protein food or with fruits and vegetables.
5. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day and eliminate sweetened beverages and pop. Limit your use of caffeinated beverages.
6. Do not skip breakfast whenever possible. Use a smaller plate for your meals as this will help to trick your brain into believing that you are actually consuming more than you really are. Having a boiled egg for breakfast or as a mid day snack helps to provide you with filling energy rich protein.
7. Rather than eating 3 large meals per day switch to a program of 4 to 5 small meals per day. This will help to keep your body's metabolism at a higher rate. If you can't resist having a snack choose a bowl of dry cereal or 6 to 8 nuts. Studies show that consuming a small amount of walnuts daily can actually help you to lose weight.
Exercise is an important factor in weight control. A simple walking exercise program can be easily adapted to fit the fitness level of most people. In the summer get outdoors, catch some sunshine, and exercise at the same time. The sun provides us with vitamin D so a daily walk is a nice way to get this vitamin. For the winter months a treadmill is ideal for insuring that you get a walk in even when the weather is not working in your favour. I love mine and it has kept me active even during the cold winter months. Don't have a treadmill? Jog from room to room within your house. Every step adds up.
Losing weight can be a difficult process. It may have taken years to put on those pounds so they probably won't come off overnight. Don't be be too harsh on yourself if you have a set back or two. Just jump right back into the program and keep moving forward. Losing weight can be quite an adventure. Take pride in each small step forward. Every pound you lose is one pound closer to a healthier you.
Did you know that sipping green tea may help to reduce belly fat? Studies show that drinking 5 cups of strong green tea daily may indeed help reduce belly fat. Green tea is also an antioxidant which is a delightful side effect of this soothing hot beverage. Enjoy a cup today.
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